Friday, May 22, 2009

Thoughts to ponder

Remember the times in life when something HUGE is about to happen? You know, things like moving, or graduation, or getting married, or seeing an old friend, or finishing the semester... you know big things like that. But you have so many things that you have to get done before the event... or other mini steps leading up to it... so many things that when you have a second to sit down and think about you can't believe that its already here... and for once, you have a second to sort through your feelings about the event...

that is where I am at. in 12 hours i will be walking across the stage and receiving an empty thingy to hold my degree when the real one comes in Aug... All the papers are done, my parents are here, I played with the twins at the zoo all day, the food is made, and I'm exhausted... Yep it's time for the big event....