Sunday, August 15, 2010

Zoe's second major youth event of the summer

Zoe has been on many, many adventures this summer.  This past weekend she went on her first Middle school retreat to MUUUCE. It was an amazing experience, and in her true form, Zoe was trooper! It helped that we brought grandma and grandpa along to play with Zoe while blake and I were off riding roller coasters with the middle schoolers.  Zoe had her first sleep over with Grandpa and Grandma, they slept at the hotel while we crashed on the floor of the church.
Anyway here are some pics of the experience.
On the road

lunch with daddy and the MS

We made it to St. Paul, and boy is it hot!

Hanging out at the hotel

my cereal gotee

I just playing

before church with the grandrents


mommy kisses!


  1. She is getting SO big Jill!!!! And of course cuter every day! :) Love & miss you!

  2. yeah - you did another update - you can now eat more chocolate! She is such a trooper!
