Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Our First Road Trip

Last friday Zoe and took off for KC on our very first road trip. I was optamistic... Zoe tends to sleep the afternoon away.  Zoe did great all the way to Sioux City.  I on  the other hand was freaking out because i couldn't see her... so we found Walmart and got a back seat mirror.
Zoe ate, and then i ate then we headed back out.  About Omaha Zoe was getting tired of her carseat... and she started whinning, then the whine got louder, then she started screaming.  So I pulled over, we snuggled, changed a diaper and got back on the road.  By Mound City MO she was screaming again...  I pulled over and fed her. We got back on the road...  20 minutes later she started screaming again...  15 minutes later she fell asleep... then woke up screaming for 20 minutes... and repeat.
Sat. we went from KC to NE to my mom's house...  we were on the road 20 minutes and the screaming started... and it was pretty much a repeat of friday...
Sunday we stayed put, which is what Zoe needed... monday when we got in the car, we got 14 miles down the road and she screamed... then fell asleep until we were 30 minutes from home, that was GLORIOUS!
Anyway, she redeamed herself a bit as my co-pilot!
Mommy slept in, so grandma snuggled me

Bristol Kisses!

Baby cousins and grandma

Bath time!

Bristol holding Zoe... it's cute!
Appearently the weekend was all about being with Grandma and Bristol!
Here's some pic's of our weekend at grandmas!

Friday, April 9, 2010

More Cousins (and an auntie)

Me with Auntie Tami, Bristol, and Ragan hiding...

Ragan and Me...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Zoe and half her cousins...

Me and Aunt Amy

Me and Uncle Grant

Me and Hunter

Me and Kaylen

Me and Garrett

Me and Levi

More cousins to come!

snuggles with papa and nanna

just the 3 of us!!!

nanna kisses!

Snuggling with Papa!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Just cause

Mommy thought I looked very thoughtful

so she took a close up...
But Really I was just getting ready to fall asleep...

Easter and such...

Dinner with Gammy

Snuggling with Tio

Cuddles with Auntie Brooke

I am just cute!
Easter Sunday

I promise i'm in there... under the hat